Destiny 2: Minecraft Edition

Server informations
Entered since08. Jan 2025
Reviewed09. Jan 2025
Ever gotten annoyed with the Real Destiny 2? Ever had that thirst for more stuff to do but already did everything in the game?

Well, you're in luck! I'm not bungie!

Say hello to Destiny 2, but in Minecraft! This Semi-Faithful recreation
of Destiny 2's Red war locations, if you've never been to them, now is
your chance to see it!

Here's some stuff to expect:

-Fully functional weapons! Some almost identical to the original game, some a little customized for convenience!

-Fully functional strike and seasonal playlists! Fight through some classic/removed activities that were removed in the game!

-Collect over 180+ pieces of gear, everything from Gjallarhorn to the infamous No Land Beyond!
  have a real loot shooter RGP feeling in minecraft!

-(Somewhat) Faithfully recreated locations, complete with brand-new secrets, flair, and fun loot.
  Including The Lost Sectors and other region located content!

-Uniquely coded mobs, ever wanted to get the shit kicked out of you by a
fully functioning servitor? What about a Darkblade? An Ogre? A
Subjugator???? The possibilities are endless!

-No gear limit, ever hate having to equip only 1 exotic weapon + armor? Well, now you can equip as many as you wish!

Server is playable on 1.20.1 - Latest
It has its own Texturepack made by our Team
Everything on the server does not require a Mod or anything in relation
and we always try to make everything the most fun for the end
consumer, if any question is still open, feel free to ask us questions on our discord server

We obious need to finance ourself and to not P2W we take donations to host the server

Stuff to keep in mind before playing: Some mechanics, gameplay aspects,
and designs are somewhat different to the real game, this is both
because of minecrafts vanilla limitations as well as possible
conveniences and because the server has a "parody" feel to it
It is still in Development and we actively update the System with new features and bugfixes!

We are not associated with Mojang/Microsoft/Bungie

  • Client Mods nicht nötigLokales Bannsystem
  • BukkitFliegen gegen Bezahlung (Ingamewährung)
  • Alle Ränge ohne Echtgeld erreichbarEvents
  • PvPPvP
  • IngamegeldAdminshop
  • VotebelohnungSkyPvP
  • EULA-Konform

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